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Osmanlı Bilim Literatürü Tarihi Genel İndeksi / History of Ottoman Sci

Osmanlı Bilim Literatürü Tarihi Genel İndeksi

Liste Fiyatı : 2.588,30 TL
Osmanlı Bilim Literatürü Tarihi Genel İndeksi
Osmanlı Bilim Literatürü Tarihi Genel İndeksi

IRCICA's History of Ottoman Scientific Literature series is now complete with the General Index of the History of Ottoman Scientific Literature. This last volume contains the indexes of authors and works mentioned in the earlier 17 volumes of bio-bibliographies which were devoted to the scientific literature published in various branches of sciences throughout the Ottoman period and all over the Ottoman geography. The index is an indispensable tool for utilization of the volumes. The latter were published over the period from 1997 to 2011, as the outcome of a research project that lasted twenty-five years. The project was implemented under the editorship and supervision of Prof. Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu, by the Department of Bibliographies and Manuscripts of IRCICA. The index is composed of three parts; the names of authors/translators in the Latin alphabet are in the first part (pp. 3-106); the names of the books in the Latin alphabet are in the second part, (pp. 107-560); and the names of the books in the Arabic script are in the third part (pp. 561-980). The authors are mentioned by their entry names as given in the different volumes of the series. After the name of each author one finds the abbreviation of the title of the volume and page number he is mentioned in. An author who wrote books in more than one field of science may be referred to in more than one volume. Some books relating to more than one branch of science are necessarily referred to more than once
