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The Muslim East Studies in Honour of Julius Germanus Gyula Kaldy - Nag

The Muslim East Studies in Honour of Julius Germanus

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The Muslim East Studies in Honour of Julius Germanus
The Muslim East Studies in Honour of Julius Germanus

During his long journeys Professor Germanus has penetrated deeper into Islamic culture than any of his predecessors. Besides his thorough scientific background he never lost sight of the practical requirements of life. Professor Germanus now procedes to the ninth decade of his life. Allah help him reach this exceptional age in full command of his physical and mental energy! We, the Arabic speaking peoples can return with respect, admiration, and affection – only to some extent – all the great services he has done for our culture and nation. He is the only European member
of the Academies of Sciences in Cairo, Bagdad, and Damascus; he is also their pride. Every Arabic reader, writer, and scholar greets and congratulates the scholar and the true man in him." Reemphasizing the words of Mahmud Taymur his pupils, friends, and admirers, we all wish him good health and an undiminished love for work on his 90th birthday.
