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Osanlı Belgelerinde Sudan (Arapça) السودان في العهد العثماني من خلال ا

??????? ?? ????? ???????? ?? ???? ??????? ??????? ????????Sudan belgeleri Osmanlı arşivi ile Osmanlı döneminde

Liste Fiyatı : 1.562,88 TL
??????? ?? ????? ???????? ?? ???? ??????? ??????? ????????Sudan belgeleri Osmanlı arşivi ile Osmanlı döneminde
??????? ?? ????? ???????? ?? ???? ??????? ??????? ????????Sudan belgeleri Osmanlı arşivi ile Osmanlı döneminde

This book contains the Arabic traslations of a set of official documents of the Ottoman state which were selected from the Ottoman Archives in İstanbul on account of their importance as sources for research on the history of the Sudan during the Ottoman period. The book was prepared with the cooperation of the Ot-toman Archives Department attached to the Turkish Pri-me Ministry. Following its publication, a book launching was held at the Sudanese National Records House (NRH) in Khartoum in February 2009 to introduce it to interested researchers in the Sudan.
