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Mindful Me: Exploring Emotions: A Mindfulness Guide to Dealing with Em

Mindful Me: Exploring Emotions: A Mindfulness Guide to Dealing with Emotions

Liste Fiyatı : 195,00 TL
Mindful Me: Exploring Emotions: A Mindfulness Guide to Dealing with Emotions
Mindful Me: Exploring Emotions: A Mindfulness Guide to Dealing with Emotions
This mindfulness story book for children includes simple mindfulness activities, which have been shown to help relieve stress and anxiety and improve health and mental well-being. This book shows children how to cope with different emotions, from anger and jealous, to sadness and disappointment. The children are gently guided into mindfulness exercises that encourage an exploration of emotions. Everyone notices the weather outside, right? But did you realise that weather occurs inside of you too? It's a hot and sunny Sports Day, but Abu's internal weather is different. He is feeling nervous and scared. For Abu, feeling nervous is like watching a storm it can be scary. Manisha's weather is different She feels angry. Anger is like a burning, hot sun. Kenton feels sad. For Kenton, sadness feels like a grey, drizzly day that seems to last forever. But they all soon discover that emotions are like the weather, changing throughout the day. Sometimes the weather feels pleasant; when we feel happy, relieved or excited. And sometimes it feels unpleasant; when we feel anger, sadness or frustration. But we don't have to worry about getting stuck with unpleasant emotions because, just like the weather outside, the weather inside will change too. This book teaches readers to enjoy the pleasant feelings when they are present, and remember that the unpleasant ones will pass. The four stories in the 'Mindful Me' series explore how a mindful attitude to life can enhance enjoyment, promote a sense of calm and confidence, and provide young people with a 'friend for life'. Mindfulness can help us to improve concentration, calm unpleasant emotions, and even boost our immune systems. The books can be used at home or in the classroom, for storytime or as part of the PSHCE curriculum. The other titles Breath by A Mindfulness Guide to Keeping Calm It's Beautiful A Mindfulness Guide to Noticing Nature Sleep A Mindfulness Guide to Getting a Good Night's Sleep