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Autonomy and Depence In The Family-Ailede Özerlik ve Bağımlılık Kolekt

Autonomy and Depence In The Family-Ailede Özerlik ve Bağımlılık

Liste Fiyatı : 245,00 TL
Autonomy and Depence In The Family-Ailede Özerlik ve Bağımlılık
Autonomy and Depence In The Family-Ailede Özerlik ve Bağımlılık
Just a few days before this book went to print, we learned the distressing news that Sharon Baştuğ, one of the contributors, had passed away. She was one of very few internationally known anthropologists active in Turkey, and leaves a void that will be difficult to fill. She is deeply mourned by family, colleagues, students and friends. This book is dedicated to her memory.